Dr. Boye, Dr. Calabro, Dr. Crosson, Siddhant (‘Sid’) Gupte and Russell Mellen all had the pleasure of presenting their newest data at the first virtual ASGCT meeting. Dr. Boye gave an update on the novel AAV capsids she has developed for intravitreal injection. Dr. Calabro gave a talk on her work to develop a dual AAV-based gene therapy for MYO7A USH1B. Dr. Crosson summarized the impact of HSPG binding and capsid hydrophilicity on retinal transduction by AAV. Sid discussed identification of AAV capsids that can evade neutralization by NAbs following intravitreal injection. And last, but not least, Russell presented updates on his efforts to develop an AAV-CRISPR/Cas9-based treatment for cone rod dystrophy. All in all, a great showing by the Boye Lab, and a great meeting overall!