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Summer 2015- The Big Move

In case you’re looking for the Boye lab, we are currently housed in M-119 of the Medical Sciences Building. We brought our capsids with us!…

Shannon and Sanford Boye receive 2014 Technology Innovator Awards

Dr. Shannon Boye and Sanford Boye were honored this year at the University of Florida’s Celebration of Innovation for successfully transferring their world-class research to a commercial partner. The University of Florida ranks among the nation’s leaders at transferring technology to partners who turn these discoveries into commercial products that make…

ARVO 2015 Highlights

The Boye lab had many firsts at this year’s ARVO conference in Denver. Miranda White gave her first platform presentation. Sadly it was concurrent with mine and I missed it, but several little birdies tell me she did a great job! Dr. Shreyasi…

Congratulations to Dr. Shreyasi Choudhury

Shreyasi was recently recognized with an “Outstanding Graduate Student in Visual Sciences” award from North Texas Eye Research Institute. Even though she’s already been in the lab for 9 months, we are very proud that Shreyasi was recognized in this way by her former University. Congrats Dr. Choudhury!!…

Gene therapy: Hope for the blind?

In medicine, doctors often talk about treatments, but rarely about cures. Now, gene therapy is offering the potential to actually cure certain diseases and an experimental breakthrough could one day help blind patients see.